关于「 Worldwide」的内容列表

Cryptocurrency Lawyer: Prediction Market Polymarket Does Not Have a Gambling Problem

Although regulators around the world have banned Polymarket on the grounds that it is a gambling platform, lawyer Aaron Brogan has good reason to argue that it is not a gambling platform. Aaron Brogan, a New York-based cryptocurrency lawyer, argues that on the surface, prediction markets are just an online version of gambling, which is not true. "If you are a state-licensed gambling product...

2025-01-24 10:18:15
Trump: Will ask the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates immediately, calling on the world to follow suit

On January 24th, Trump told the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Thursday: "As oil prices fall, I will demand an immediate rate cut, and likewise, the whole world should cut rates." Five days later, the Federal Reserve will hold Trump's first policy meeting since taking office on January 28-29, and it is widely expected that the Fed will keep interest rates unchanged at this meeting. Trump has widely criticized the Fed for raising interest rates in the first two years of his first t...

2025-01-23 19:07:46
WUSD completes smart contract upgrade, introduces asset mistransfer recovery mechanism and other functions

WSPN (Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network), a digital payment solution provider, announced that its stablecoin WUSD has completed the smart contract upgrade from V1 to V2. The new version of WUSD uses the smart contract technology provided by Fireblocks and introduces a number of features, including: asset mistransfer recovery mechanism, role-based access control, institutional-level address blacklisting and other security features, as well as optimized DeFi platform integration and multi-chain...

2024-12-31 04:22:54
WUSD 完成智能合约升级,引入资产误转账恢复机制等多项功能

数字支付解决方案提供商 WSPN(Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network)宣布,旗下稳定币 WUSD 已完成从 V1 到 V2 的智能合约升级。新版 WUSD 采用 Fireblocks 提供的智能合约技术,引入多项功能,包括:资产误转账恢复机制、基于角色的访问控制、机构级别的地址黑名单等安全功能,以及优化的 DeFi 平台集成和多链兼容等技术升级。 WSPN 表示,V2...

2024-12-31 04:22:54
Worldcoin has 17 million users worldwide

Worldcoin said at X that there are now more than 17 million users worldwide.

2024-11-23 19:40:12
WSPN partners with dtcpay to achieve WUSD zero-rate purchase, and top hotels are the first to accept WUSD payment

On October 11th, the Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network (WSPN), a stablecoin infrastructure provider, and digital payment platform dtcpay today announced a strategic partnership. For the first time, users will be able to purchase WUSD with zero fees through dtcpay. WUSD is a collateralized stablecoin pegged 1:1 to the US dollar, ensuring its value is stable and reliable. WUSD will be gradually rolled out among a number of merchants supported by dtcpay, including Jiapei...

2024-10-11 02:01:07

10月11日消息,稳定币基础设施提供商Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network(WSPN)与数字支付平台dtcpay今日宣布达成战略合作。用户将首次能够通过dtcpay以零费用方式购买WUSD。WUSD是一种与美元1:1挂钩的抵押稳定币,确保其价值稳定可靠。WUSD将在dtcpay支持的众多商户中逐步推广,其中包括嘉佩...

2024-10-11 02:01:07
Stablecoin project WSPN partners with zero-knowledge proof technology company Polyhedra Network

On October 9th, according to official information, the stablecoin project WSPN (Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network) and the zero-knowledge proof technology company Polyhedra Network today announced a strategic cooperation. WSPN's flagship stablecoin WUSD will officially introduce Polyhedra Network's advanced zero-knowledge technology, and the two parties will jointly promote the wide application of WUSD in the field of zero-knowledge proof. WSPN will leverage the technical advantages of Polyhe...

2024-10-09 02:01:22
稳定币项目WSPN与零知识证明技术公司Polyhedra Network达成战略合作

10月9日消息,据官方信息,稳定币项目WSPN(Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network)与零知识证明技术公司Polyhedra Network今日宣布达成战略合作。WSPN的旗舰稳定币WUSD将正式引入Polyhedra Network的先进零知识技术,双方将共同推动WUSD在零知识证明领域的广泛应用。 WSPN将借助Polyhedra Network的技术优势构建WUSD的...

2024-10-09 02:01:22
Yu Chen, Chief Consultant of Kun KUN: Opening a New Era of Global Payment

On September 18th, at the Token2049 side event Stable Rise held by the digital payment company WSPN (Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network), Yu Chen, chief consultant of Kun KUN, delivered a keynote speech entitled "New Era of Global Payment". Yu Chen emphasized that Web3 payment technology is reshaping the global financial landscape, calling it "the singularity of Web3 scenario explosion". Yu...

2024-09-18 07:17:22

9月18日消息,数字支付公司WSPN(Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network)举办的Token2049边会Stable Rise上,鲲KUN首席顾问余晨发表了题为《全球支付新纪元》的主题演讲。余晨强调,Web3支付技术正在重塑全球金融格局,称其为"Web3场景化爆发的奇点"。 余...

2024-09-18 07:17:22
Huang Donghao, Vice President of R & D at Mastercard: Web3 technology leads the future of payments, building trust and smooth business experiences

On September 17th, at the Token2049 side event Stable Rise held by the Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network (WSPN), Huang Donghao, Vice President of R & D at Mastercard, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Building Trust and Fluent Business Experience: Leading the Future of Payment with Web3 Technology". Huang Donghao emphasized that Web3 technology is reshaping the payment industry, providing users with higher trust and a smoother experience. Huang Donghao highlighted an innovative technology ...

2024-09-17 07:33:39

9月17日消息,在Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network(WSPN)举办的Token2049边会Stable Rise上,Mastercard研发副总裁黄东浩发表了题为《构建信任与流畅商业体验:引领Web3技术支付未来》的主旨演讲。黄东浩强调,Web3技术正在重塑支付行业,为用户提供更高的信任度和更流畅的使用体验。 黄东浩重点介绍了一项名为Tokenized Card NFT的创新技术,这项技术将...

2024-09-17 07:33:39
WSPN Appoints Former Visa President John Partridge to Board of Directors

On August 22nd, digital payment company WSPN (Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network) announced the appointment of former Visa president John Partridge to the board of directors, with the aim of expanding the US market and driving Web3 payment innovation to create Visa in the Web3 era. Known for its stablecoin product Worldwide USD ("WUSD"), WSPN is committed to building a stablecoin 2.0 payment network to provide users around the world with a safe and efficient digital transaction experience. Mr....

2024-08-22 03:03:04
WSPN任命前Visa总裁John Partridge为董事会成员

8月22日消息,数字支付公司 WSPN(Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network) 宣布任命前 Visa总裁 John Partridge 为董事会成员,旨在拓展美国市场,并推动 Web3 支付创新,打造 Web3 时代的 Visa。WSPN 以其稳定币产品 Worldwide USD(“WUSD”)而闻名,致力于构建稳定币2.0支付网络,为全球用户提供安全、高效的数字交易体验。 Partridge先生在金融科技领域...

2024-08-22 03:03:04

7x24 快讯

01:09 2025-03-18
3月18日消息,Mintscan上的投票数据显示,Cronos关于恢复已销毁的700亿枚CRO提案投票以62.18%的支持率获得通过,该提案提议恢复2021年销毁的700亿枚CRO代币来建立Cronos战略储备,并将在Cronos POS V5升级中更新网络参数和代币分配。 此外,据Un Chained报道,上述提案在3月16日前赞成票几乎略多于反对票,但当时尚未达到生效所需的33.4%的法定人...
01:04 2025-03-18
01:00 2025-03-18
01:00 2025-03-18
每日港股市场要闻速递(3月18日 周二)
个股新闻1. 药明康德 (02359.HK):2024年净利润94.5亿元,同比下降1.63%。2. 港交所文件显示,渣打集团(02888.HK)于3月14日在其他交易所回购总计120万股,交易金额为1410万英镑。3. 融创中国 (01918.HK):预计2024年亏损255-260亿元;主要受市场下行的影响,结转收入大幅减少且同时计提资产减值拨备。4. 港交所文件显示,花旗集团于3月11日将紫金矿业(02899.HK)持仓比例从7.52%降至6.85%。5. 港交所文件显示,摩根大通于3月11日将比亚迪股份(01211.HK)多头持仓比例从6.38%降至5.66%。6. 港交所文件显示,汇丰控股(00005.HK)于3月14日斥资2.539亿港元回购300万股,在其他交易所斥资2000万英镑回购总计230万股。7. 港交所信息显示,South Dakota Trust Company LLC(该公司为孙宏斌先生家族信托的受托人)在融创中国 (01918.HK)的持股比例于03月12日从29.82%降至27.67%。8. 永泰地产 (00369.HK):发布盈警,预期2024年度股东...
01:00 2025-03-18
00:51 2025-03-18
00:49 2025-03-18
00:48 2025-03-18
美参议院定于3月27日就Paul Atkins出任SEC主席的任职资格举行听证会
美国参议院委员会听证会将于3月27日举行,Paul Atkins可能离成为美国证券交易委员会新任加密货币友好主席更近一步。美国总统特朗普于12月4日提名Atkins领导SEC,但他与亿万富翁家族的婚姻关系据称在财务披露方面引发了问题,导致其潜在上任日期被推迟。 虽然尚不清楚白宫是否已向参议院提交了相关文件,但据Semafor的Eleano...
00:48 2025-03-18
00:47 2025-03-18
00:45 2025-03-18
00:42 2025-03-18
根据Data for Progress的调查,只有10%的美国选民希望特朗普政府增加对加密货币和区块链开发的联邦资金支持。相比之下,许多人更优先支持社会保障(65%)、医疗保险(64%)和基础设施建设(64%)。 特朗普总统下令创建一个由没收的比特币资助的加密货币战略储备,这一举措引发了广泛讨论。虽然51%的选民反对...